Will Texas Turn Blue?

Chad Dilla
2 min readNov 26, 2020

While wishful thinking is great, and we became a battleground state, at least for now. Let’s look at the numbers since 1984. What you see is a huge increase in voters, but the Republican advantage staying just high enough to win.

I started this graph in 1984, Reagan’s second win because I was born in 1983. The last democrat to win the state was Jimmy Carter in 1976. The state has changed over the years, and the gap has narrowed, but is has narrowed by

If the Republicans nominate someone in the image of George W. Bush, Texas voters will eat that up like slow cooked beef briquet.

You can see something similar with the governor race. I know you guys only care about the Presidential race, but I think it’s valuable. Ann Richards won as a Democrat in 1990.

In 2006 Rick Perry won, but more people voted against him than for him, but he had the most votes overall.

Now the total state population is over 28 million so only 37% of people voted, so anything is possible. Unless something big changes, or the republican candidate is really unpopular, don’t look here for a blue wave.


Presidential Election Results — Secretary of State

I pulled the governor results off of Wikipedia and made the graphs in Google Drive spreadsheet.



Chad Dilla
Chad Dilla

Written by Chad Dilla

Blogging what I am learning about.

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